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Lithium With Nickel Drills tweets


The ultimate answer to the meaning of the combined atomic symbols of Lithium and Iron is the atomic number of Molybdenum


10 years ago

Ben Wikler

If I had a nickel for every time I'd heard someone say "let's close Yellowstone to stop people from getting insurance," I'd have no nickels.


10 years ago

Boston Celtics

Rajon Rondo may not be participating in contact drills at Celtics training camp, but he's certainly making an impact: http://t.co/WvqQCULpoR


10 years ago

Boston Celtics

Stevens says Rondo went through the morning workout, with shooting drills etc. Clarifies "no contact, not a lot of lateral movement."


10 years ago

Fakta Faktanya WOW!

Awalnya, minuman 7-up mengandung sitrat lithium dan digunakan sebagai obat untuk mabuk dan depresi.


10 years ago

Boston Celtics

Practice is winding down with shooting drills in Newport. Look for updates this afternoon from @emilyausten_, @Marc_DAmico and @Celtics.


10 years ago

NBA New York Knicks

Speed Drills is back! WATCH @TheRealJRSmith's Woodson impersonation, Boston accent, & more! http://t.co/XrVTeFwsGG


10 years ago