Buying A Road Bike Freewheel tweets
Vine Adicto
Guys: Here's the secret to get her in your bed - sp
Educate Siempre
Ask a Doctor Online. 100+ Doctors are online to answer. Get the FREE app now for instant answers & 2nd opinions - sp
Taylor Swift
So excited about my @GlamourMagUK cover!This is one of my fav pics from the shoot. Caption:'Looking for a hair tie'.
College Student
I live my life in a constant state of wondering if something is due tomorrow
ian somerhalder
#TVD Tonight 8 PM Eastern 7 Central Time! I'm Live Tweeting in a bit- TUNE in, watch it LIVE with me!
Britney Spears
I'm gonna pick my favorites to be a part of the next album's packaging :) Can't wait to see what you all send in!! xo
Paul Wesley
In the unlikely scenario that u follow me and are not a fan of VD, then apologies in advance for my excessive live tweeting this evening.