Low Sodium Salad Dressing tweets
Dana Lutz
Consorzio Mango Salad Dressing @shopmmp - http://t.co/R3Msm26arg this product is no longer made,anyone know a substitute?(for pasta salad)
ADA Books
RT @HopeWarshaw: The word ‘salad’ doesn’t mean veggie heaven or low cal. Pasta or potatoes smothered in dressing can be high in sodium & fa…
Hope Warshaw RDN CDE
The word ‘salad’ doesn’t mean veggie heaven or low cal. Pasta or potatoes smothered in dressing can be high in sodium & fat. #diabeteseating
Photo: Wedge salad with jalapeño Ranch dressing for dinner with a side of low sodium V8. #salad #wedgesalad... http://t.co/K0IzVmz5l2