Dvd Spinning tweets
We love TheBaseballs
December 6th | #TheBaseballs gift today is nothing more and nothing less than the spinning guitar from the DVD!! :D http://t.co/cy8b7UJD
Ouida Burkleo
4 Side CD / DVD Spinning Tower in Oak... http://t.co/r1ZNx0U3
This lifetime movie has y head spinning. I love my DVD collection.
Karen Pang
“@MarkChiesa: @KarenPang Probably easier to find a pool huh? ;) Swimming=relaxing. Spinning=crazy people.” I need practice for a DVD shoot!**
#Effective Fitness Program #Personal Trainer http://t.co/v39HVMZK Spinning Spin & Burn DVD
Paula Maier
Just did a Spinning DVD riding though S. Carolina. Haven't done one in a while. That's a buzz! http://t.co/0CjbbLny
Ian Simpson
@jeremybank I have replaced DVD so I have 128GB SSD + 320GB spinning disk for photos/downloads/etc. Good. @reedfleming @hamfritta