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Matthias Freihoff Sg tweets

خيطـي بيطـي

عن أبي هريرة ،قال صلى الله عليه وسلم " لما قضى الله الخلق ، كتب في كتابه على نفسه ، فهو موضوع عنده: إن رحمتي تغلب غضبي " رواه مسلم


10 years ago

Kiran Bedi

Congress party probably needs two separate core groups.One led by SG (Queen Mother)other by RG(Prince/Son)-The Old Guard and the New Guard?


10 years ago


geek sleep sheep、メジャーデビューSg『hitsuji』のビデオ- をTwitter連動企画で解禁 - 邦楽ニュース http://t.co/bG06CcifFy


10 years ago

Sound Horizon 情報局

【Sound Horizon 10月9日SG「ハロウィンと夜の物語」発売】「朝までハロウ- ィン」MV ショート ver. 特設サイトにて絶賛公開中!→ http://t.co/JPkVvXWdH8 http://t.co/7VfXMmgfRI #Soundhorizon


10 years ago

Once Upon A Time

131004 여러분 잘자요 오늘 명수 밤 ~ SG Here I am http://t.co/1eMOcyQNtR


10 years ago

Kiran Bedi

SG is RG's MoM &President.Q is which role does SG exercise more?Would SG have responded the same soft way to another person of the party!


10 years ago

United Nations

Ban Ki-moon to #HLD2013 migration mtg: deaths of African migrants in Mediterranean must spur action http://t.co/ZZh63vvRFb #Lampedusa


10 years ago