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May Bay Hang Eva tweets

Colin Kaepernick

From the Bay to the UK it's 49ers all day! #turndownforwhat @vernondavis85 http://t.co/psu31JozO1


10 years ago

Girl Code

tbh there are literally like three people in the world who i can hang out with for more than four hours without wanting to strangle them


10 years ago

Marcus Butler

It's a shame when people become too busy to find time to hang out


10 years ago

Hudson's Bay

Get into the spirit of #BayDays! Today is ur last day 2 follow & RT 4 a chance to win a $500 Hudson's Bay gift card: http://t.co/9hfOoTqHpf


10 years ago

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Gud bay. Ai lab yú. Se te pasará el miedo a morir cuando te des cuenta de que es miedo a vivir. Bi japi.


10 years ago

Bitch Problems ✌

tbh there are literally like three people in the world who i can hang out with for more than four hours without wanting to strangle them


10 years ago

Pendejos Jodidos

-Mira Adan, esa es Eva, la unica mujer sobre la tierra que amaras... -Y esa de ahi? -Ah es Mirtha Legrand, estaba aca cuando llegue.


10 years ago