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Melanie Schenk tweets

Mark Steel

Melanie's next point will be 'The banks have been robbed by Iran supported by the BBC who want us all to smoke dope and die'.


10 years ago

Will Black

COMPETITION: If you guess the number of minutes and seconds into #bbcqt Melanie Philips slurs Harriet Harman you win a mystery prize


10 years ago

Unnamed Insider

Melanie Phillips on #bbcqt again... http://t.co/vk775X9ldP


10 years ago

La que se avecina

#LQSA12 Fermín a Estela: "Tú lo que necesitas es pedir a Melanie Grifith el teléfono de la clínica de desitoxicación" http://t.co/skSOWg9kp1


10 years ago

Mark Steel

This is a disappointing 'New Melanie'. What's the point in having her on if she's not going to crawl round the floor dribbling?


10 years ago

George Freeman MP

Er, Melanie, afraid you're just wrong on 'Britain doesn't make anything any more' #bbcqt Here are some pesky facts: http://t.co/KQ0l10R8rO


10 years ago

Mark Steel

Get the kettle on, put your feet up, and settle down for Melanie Phillips on Question Time.


10 years ago