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Modx Evolution tweets

Andrew Smith

@marcjenkins any question, drop me a line and open a forum topic. If its your first time, try using Revolution rather than Evolution. #modx


12 years ago

Mark Skinner

@marcjenkins Sadly there are two versions of modx, evolution & revolution, I assume coming at it new you'll be on Revolution which is a dif.


12 years ago

Geek Freelancers

New #Job: Modifications To A Form In ModX Evolution http://t.co/acr6r2Vw


12 years ago

Dmytro Lukianenko

Snippet IF for MODX Evolution http://t.co/yFMioHOc


12 years ago


@michellesipics oh Lordy. There are still plenty of evolution-savy @modx peeps here on twitter and forums though. I’m just not one of them!


12 years ago

Jay Gilmore

RT @threeeyedbird: Latest "Thoughts from the Nest" posting: MODX Evolution 1.0.6 and prior security issue... http://t.co/EgveLgb7


12 years ago

Three Eyed Bird

Latest "Thoughts from the Nest" posting: MODX Evolution 1.0.6 and prior security issue... http://t.co/EgveLgb7


12 years ago