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Mousepad Feet tweets

History In Pictures

53 years ago, Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila won the gold medal at the Rome Olympics, on bare feet http://t.co/L9KmLi8vGS


10 years ago

Disney Words

I may be small, but I've got friends that make me ten feet tall. –Mickey Mouse


10 years ago

Short Girl Problems

Buying expensive shoes for way cheaper because of your midget feet. #shortgirlperks


10 years ago

What The F*** Facts

Due to the cat's reluctance to be trained, Romans used the image of a cat as a symbol for freedom at the feet of the goddess of liberty.


10 years ago

Pickup Lines

Why do women have small feet? -- So they can stand closer to the kitchen counter.


10 years ago

Mike Trudell

That was swaggy. @NickSwagyPYoung had LAL's bench off its feet after he crossed H. Barnes over and J'd in his face. 43-38 LAL.


10 years ago


The longest recorded distance for projectile vomiting is 27 feet.


10 years ago