My Way Melodie tweets
Melodie Ramone
It's 4:30pm. I'm crazy tired. Like I-have-no-tolerance-for-nonse- nse, get-out-of-my-way-or-I'll-fal- l-on-you tired. Must seek coffee...
Tara Gingues ⚓
I'd go get food but im in my bed against the wall and Melodie is blocking my way out. #WAKEUP
@holllanarry Don't worry Melodie im on my way to help you at work ;)
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :D RT @_isprint_: @ImaJeen_Yes lol I'm about to be on my way to your house
Antoinette Ouellette
RT @Careylolo: @Melodie_Ramone that's one way! I'm a couple weeks out of finishing my current WIP, any interest in reading it? I'd love ...