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Nabyty Plan tweets

Paul Wesley

Just encountered a minor glitch with my live tweeting plan: I don't have live tv.


10 years ago

Because I'm a Guy

If you're a guy and you've never experienced the rush of playing sports, I don't know what you plan on bragging about as an adult.


10 years ago

Disney Words

The second star to the right shines in the night for you, to tell you that the dreams you plan really can come true. –Peter Pan


10 years ago


a #Taurus' will go inside themselves for days and it has nothing to do with you we love to re-energise, think, and plan


10 years ago


Nada sucede por casualidad, en el fondo las cosas tienen su plan secreto, aunque nosotros no lo entendamos. Platón


10 years ago

God Posts

I know God has a plan. I pray for direction to follow it, patience to wait on it, and knowledge to know when it comes


10 years ago

Michel Pesquera

Plan A: blarte. Plan B: sarte. Plan C: ducirte. Plan D: searte. Plan E: namorarte. Plan F: ctivo.


10 years ago