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New Age Kirbi tweets

Students Problems

Age 4: "I love Mommy." Age 16: "I HATE HER." Age 20: "Mom was right" Age 57: "I wish my Mom was still here." Retweet if you love your Mom.


10 years ago


If you take your age and multiple it by 7, then multiply it by 1,443, the product repeats your age 3 times.


10 years ago

Saviez Vous Que ?

À l'âge de 16 ans. 80% des personnes ont déjà rencontré la personne qu''elle vont épouser.


10 years ago

Funny Tweets

Age 4: "I love Mommy." Age 16: "I HATE HER." Age 20: "Mom was right" Age 57: "I wish my Mom was still here." Retweet if you love your Mom.


10 years ago


What do you think about restaurants banning children? See the spots where kids under a certain age are shut out: http://t.co/AW1BPuZ4vU


10 years ago

Talib Kweli Greene

The digital age has changed the meaning of "huge fan." Someone can feel like a "huge fan" without ever actually supporting an artist.


10 years ago

What The F*** Facts

Chess grandmaster Judit Polgr beat a family friend at age 5 without looking at the board.


10 years ago