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Pageload Slows With Clicktale tweets

Carl Grimes

My mom: Hits zombie on an empty road and crashes car. Daryl: Hits zombie on a walker-infested-road and calmly slows down without crashing.


10 years ago

Unrevealed Facts

Over-thinking about things only slows down your brain and leads to depression.


10 years ago


Over-thinking about things only slows down your brain and leads to depression.


10 years ago

Not Common Facts ™

Over-thinking about things only slows down your brain and leads to depression.


10 years ago

Radioactive Mind

you meet you talk you talk a lot it slows down they find someone else you're gone.


10 years ago

The Golden Mirror

Stop focusing on what you have not reached. It slows you down. Focus on what you have already accomplished. It speeds you up.


10 years ago

Bloomberg News

Mongolia premier welcomes foreign investors as boom slows | http://t.co/o9uRSblNRP


10 years ago