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Peddy Paper Empresa tweets

Big Sean

Family First... Everything else can wait. But make sure u get that paper too


10 years ago

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Cool Experiment: Poke a hole anywhere in a paper cup of water. Drop cup. Water, while weightless in free fall, stops spewing.


10 years ago

Steve Stifler

School uses a lot of paper, paper comes from trees, trees give us oxygen, we need oxygen to live. Oh, cool. Teachers want to kill me.


10 years ago


Humans are the only creatures in the world, who cut down trees, make paper from it and then write, "SAVE TREES" on it!


10 years ago


It takes 91% less energy to recycle a plastic bag than a paper one.


10 years ago

dax shepard

People who don't replace toilet paper rolls should have to do serious jail time.


10 years ago

Dan Richards

Seeing yourself papped in the local paper half blinking so you look like your drunk out of your mind. #awkward


10 years ago