Perfectpass tweets
Perfect Pass
RT @Cnyari: Remarkable achievement from Borussia Dortmund to finish on top and go undefeated in the Group of Death. #UCL #BVB
Perfect Pass
HOLY SHNIKES! It's Manchester City vs Manchester United this weekend! #MUFC #MCFC #YESSSSS
@PerfectPass Any insight into today's CL games? Thanks as always!
Cynthia Kelsey
Shout out to @LifeEmpower @FindMeaBroker @OptimizYRGenius @The PerfectPass @benchmarkdave Thanks 4 following, have a Terrific Tuesday!
Ryan Madden
@Morrison3213 @robbieallegra1 you dumped the puck in dude #alwaysdoinwork #perfectpass
ticket jive
@PerfectPass @AccuScore @OptaJoe You should publish your picks more than once a week. Please consider it!