Piranha Killer Sushi tweets
Julie Collins
#foodies Escolar mango jalapeño #myfav @ Piranha Killer Sushi http://t.co/ZCJbHis2JB
Ricardo Guerrero
Not the best deal in town at $21, but I had a Groupon. Pre... (Sushi Dinner sub California... @ Piranha Killer Sushi) http://t.co/IDg5apdiSo
Frank MacDonald
I checked in at Piranha Killer Sushi on #Yelp http://t.co/cmD8IchPN2
Ismael Burciaga
Man lovin this Latino Roll! Thanks @travisgates @ Piranha Killer Sushi http://t.co/Nkue6YlNQC
Texas Picks
Mentions on Twitter for Piranha Killer Sushi: http://t.co/hEJUd2NzeT - RT @trustbrandi My Friday's are starting to turn out to be FUN w/ ...
Brandi Wilkerson
My Friday's are starting to turn out to be FUN w/ FAMILY and FISH! FINALLY!! [haha]... ;) XO — at Piranha Killer Sushi.
Piranha Austin
This guy knows his stuff>>"RT @Hermanns: I'm at Piranha Killer Sushi - @piranhaaustin (Austin, TX) w/ 2 others http://t.co/6FttGbIH94"