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Pizza Steinbock Glarus tweets

Female Pains

“im so fat!” i scream as i shove a brownie, pizza, my neighbors cat, two oak trees, a small country into my mouth


10 years ago


"filho desculpa mas peguei aquele seu oregano e coloquei na pizza" "FEZ O QUE MAE??" "kkk filho kkkk pq kkk vc kkk ta voando??? kkkkkkkkk"


10 years ago


i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza i want a pizza


10 years ago

Female Struggles

“im so fat!” i scream as i shove a brownie, pizza, my neighbors cat, two oak trees, a small country into my mouth


10 years ago

Steve Stifler

pizza is the only love triangle I ever want


10 years ago

Girl Mottos

let's order pizza and makeout and watch halloween movies


10 years ago

Connor Franta

when the pizza arrives https://t.co/sssk3stmL4


10 years ago