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Predeterminism tweets

Sterling Archer

@philosophytweet Quantum uncertainty... our only defense against fate and predeterminism


10 years ago

Anderson Reichman

Fellowship 101: The Precept in respect to S-Trade association Predeterminism.: .aWh


10 years ago

Tim Skellett

@D4M10N While I like Philip Pullman, his attacks on Lewis were v wrong, & his own novels show predeterminism - and evading the question too


10 years ago

Tim Skellett

@D4M10N Again, too prejudiced. Lewis had some predeterminism - *some*. Have already given you examples where he went free-will @AbsurdWalls


10 years ago

Tim Skellett

@D4M10N @LenSanook so would find Lewis mildly guilty of species predeterminism, but it fits in with world literature & old story reasons


10 years ago

Arel Beans

Peregrination Program against Win over Your Civic Predeterminism: .JXU http://t.co/v802xOpZxM


10 years ago