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Radio Strumica tweets

Selena Gomez

Listening to Virgin Radio Dubai and heard the nicest shout out to me and "Slow Down". Thanks ;)


10 years ago

Fakta Bukan Auta

Klu stesen radio Msia boleh bawa Tegar msk konti, gua harap boleh bawa sama Pakcik Azman. Nasib diorang sama "Dulu ditendang skrg disayang".


10 years ago


Apoyemos a @cabasmusica en los Premios Shock a mejor solista masculino y mejor cancion radio! Grande Cabas! http://t.co/SWPQYDNAbI A ganar!


10 years ago

Alessandra Amoroso

Buongiorno #BigFamily da oggi ogni ora potrai ascoltarmi sulla web radio RMC ITALIA @rmc_official http://t.co/um87nKbzB8


10 years ago

Fakta Faktanya WOW!

Pemakaian ponsel yg berlebihan, di frekuensi radio 900 - 2450 MHz dpt meningkatkan temperatur di lapisan mata shg memicu kerusakan kornea.


10 years ago

Alan Garner

when you're driving and Nicki Minaj is on all 3 radio stations at the exact same time, there's nothing left to do except crash your car


10 years ago


In 1977 we received a radio signal from space that lasted 72 seconds. To this day, we don’t know where it came from: http://t.co/CUe1SlfzD0


10 years ago