Rama Garden Hotel tweets
Stay here for several days (@ Rama Garden Hotel) http://t.co/fQUytCyV
anni mustaqim
Scd day...still mind setting. .... (with ridwan at Rama Garden Hotel) — http://t.co/5q4WJvUZ
Let's take a break!!! rama garden hotel http://t.co/10yjTkLO
yhoni setiadi
I just ousted @riiiickys as the mayor of Rama Garden Hotel on @foursquare! http://t.co/JEuWIDLw
Pattima Prapapan ^^
@puddinghoney #wedding #ramagragen #pattima #prapapan #myfriend @ Grand Hall 2 @ Rama Garden Resort Hotel http://t.co/4JxBGWAF