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Britney Spears

Clear the way on TUESDAY, OCT 1ST for the world premiere of the #WORKBxxCH video on the @CW_network!


10 years ago


In one week, TVD and The Originals will have premiered. (Thursday 10/3 double feature in the U.S.) on @CW_network.


10 years ago

Condescending Wonka

If a white girl hangs out with her friends and doesn't post about it on every social network did it really happen?


10 years ago

Because I'm a Guy

Twitter is currently the only social network your parents haven't ruined.


10 years ago

Entertainment Weekly

'Big Bang Theory' gets biggest premiere rating ever http://t.co/OhzGqr3PCc


10 years ago

Owen Jones

Oh, Nick Clegg rules out a coalition with Ed Miliband, does he? Suggestions as to where he can shove his party’s 9% poll rating please


10 years ago

Ryan Singel

NSA announces a new social network. No login required. We've all been members for years. NYT reports: http://t.co/fESRuztlZ8


10 years ago