Recomendations For Workshop Planning tweets
Being a sign that symbolizes travel, it goes without saying that planning a trip of any kind will please a #Sagittarius.
princess lauren
Don't start a conversation with me if you're not planning on continuing it
Ruth Graham
Crazy to think when we wake up tomorrow AM there won't be any more laws. What's the first crime everyone's planning on committing?
Imran Khan
PTI rejects the latest elec/fuel price hikes. We r planning countrywide protests as well as in the assemblies.
Because you weren't planning on sleeping
LongDistanceHearts 2
Gak ada planning ketemu, nanti si pacar tiba-tiba di depan kosan/rumah kamu kok. Doa aja yang banyak.
Anil Dash
One of my closest friends treats kids with cancer at the National Cancer Institute; Today they're planning for how to shut down tomorrow.