Respect Your Next 2011 tweets
SE Smith
"Respect our WWII Heroes and their Memorial. Mr President, tear down these barricades!" ~ Sarah Palin #Shutdown ~> #HarryReidsShutdown
Waveguide Consulting
Throwback Thurs, in 2011 @WalkerAV compared software to free ketchup packets. RU giving it more respect in '13?
Mr. Grant
I will definitely miss the rivalry I had with St. Johns. Much respect to the islanders for the battles we had from 2004-2011.
SE Smith
"Respect our WWII Heroes and their Memorial. Mr President, tear down these barricades!" ~ Sarah Palin #Shutdown ~> #HarryReidsShutdown
Lmfao lmfao RT @MR_821: Seemore ain't have no respect for money in 2011 I mean none
Neal Caffrey
Ima better person now RT @MR_821: Seemore ain't have no respect for money in 2011 I mean none
Seemore ain't have no respect for money in 2011 I mean none