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Sanquan Bathroom Fittings tweets

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I hate school bathrooms... I hate public bathrooms... I hate any bathroom that isn't my own.


10 years ago

Funny Quotes

*leaves class to go to the bathroom* *tours entire school*


10 years ago

Funny Quotes

"Lets watch a scary movie!" *3 hours later* "Dude, walk me to the bathroom..."


10 years ago

Funny Quotes

Me: Can I go to the bathroom ? Teacher: What for ? Me: TO OPEN THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, What do you f*cking think for....


10 years ago

Real Tweets™

I hate..... school bathrooms... public bathrooms.... Basically any bathroom that isn't my own!


10 years ago

Awkward Posts

Teachers call it "going to the bathroom" We call it "I'm bored. I'm leaving."


10 years ago


i hate school bathrooms... i hate public bathrooms... i hate any bathroom that isn't my own


10 years ago