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Sash Window Repair London tweets

What The F*** Facts

The Sword stuck in the Stone at Disneyland can be pulled out of the stone when a red light is flashing in a nearby window.


11 years ago

informasi Lengkap

Nama asli dari Hello Kitty adalah Kitty White, lahir di London pada 1974. Dia sekarang 38 tahun dan tinggi badannya setara 5 buah apel. #7d


11 years ago

Grace Helbig

Hi London I am within you. I am tired and would like all of your chips, please.


11 years ago

I'm just picturing liam staring out of his hotel window really angrily and muttering snake habitat to himself I can't breathe


11 years ago


The Muffin Man, London, 1910 http://t.co/8Nd5DDyh2C


11 years ago

Students Problems

me: it’s too hot me: *opens window** in comes 20 flies, 8 spiders, 17 daddy long legs, 50 moths, 3 dragons and 12 Jehovah’s witnesses*


11 years ago