Sat Receiver Mit Festplatte tweets
Helena Pietrzak
Just sat in a towel when I'm suppose to be at a party, should really get ready #fashionablylate
Josiah Thompson
RT @rdfrs: MIT discovers a new state of matter, a new kind of magnetism - by Sebastian Anthony - ExtremeTech
Alvin Yahn
Wes Welker became the first white wide receiver to be fined? Not sure if that's true but if it is... Wow. Can't think of any others tho
@Hamlet_Machine I love that art piece SO much. There's just something special about it and I sat just looking at it for a while on the site.
sam gardner
Find it tragic that I'm sat in on a friday night looking forward to Eastenders
Savannah Jones ♀
Sat at the train station by myself next to 3 drunk men drinking stella.. This isn't gonna go down well #killmenow