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Saudiairlines tweets

عبدالعزيز المحيسن

For special needs passengers services onboard,SaudiAirlines and your assistance,please to contact us Specialneed@saudiairlines.- com


11 years ago

Hani Al Sulaimani

We are ready baby, disconnect from SABB and let's start my journey **☺** #SABB #Saudiairlines #vacation #riyad http://t.co/sVJfsW0h


11 years ago

Akram Abdulkhaliq

RT @almohisen: For special needs passengers services  onboard,SaudiAirlin- es and your assistance,please to contact us Specialneed@saudiai ...


11 years ago

Khlood Ahmed

why can't i edit my e-ticket seat?? #SaudiAirlines


11 years ago

Danyah Ghunaim

RT @almohisen: For special needs passengers services  onboard,SaudiAirlin- es and your assistance,please to contact us Specialneed@saudiai ...


11 years ago

عبدالعزيز المحيسن

For special needs passengers services  onboard,SaudiAirlin- es and your assistance,please to contact us Specialneed@saudiairlines.- com


11 years ago

عبدالعزيز المحيسن

For special needs passengers services onboard,SaudiAirlines and your assistance,please to contact us Specialneed@saudiairlines.- com


11 years ago