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Scientific Services Opinie tweets

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10 years ago

Greg Palast

10 services affected by the #governmentshutdown http://t.co/AM8SXrfc9m


10 years ago

The Guardian

US gov. has begun shutting non-essential services. Which ones: http://t.co/Ulei26Xlt6 Why? And what will it mean: http://t.co/VjkB7cvTeS


10 years ago

Sally Kohn

Tomorrow, our veterans won't be able to get services. Good on you, Republicans who are cheering the #GOPshutdown.


10 years ago

Greg Palast

10 services not affected by the #governmentshutdown http://t.co/zDfrv6FLqn


10 years ago


Apparently "Non-Essential" government services are all shut down... Which for some reason includes science. Dummies.


10 years ago

Jodi Jacobson

Just remember folks… as over a million people lose their jobs, people lose needed services, etc. CONGRESS CONTINUES TO GET PAID


10 years ago