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Screen House tweets

FridayNight Fanstand

UPDATE: #Manor WR Tyler Ellis takes screen pass to the house, breaking 9 tackles for the score, 2 point conversion, 26-22 Mustang lead


10 years ago


RT @ProLeague_Rooki: @mrKYLO * walks in house opens fridge, throws microwave down, jumps on couches, throws remote in the tv screen* dat is…


10 years ago

Katlego Diale

@mrKYLO * walks in house opens fridge, throws microwave down, jumps on couches, throws remote in the tv screen* dat is all *walks out*


10 years ago

Martin Topping

RT @SiDawson: At an art house cinema last eve. Mid way through, a phone rang. Entire theatre gasped, then collectively sighed in relief - i…


10 years ago


throwing your arm in the general direction of the ringing house phone to prevent looking away from the game on screen


10 years ago

si dawson

At an art house cinema last eve. Mid way through, a phone rang. Entire theatre gasped, then collectively sighed in relief - it was on screen


10 years ago


@Sarahcookiexx tell eniola that she gotta call my house phone cause i have no phone basically the screen is basically black


10 years ago