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Heart Of Darkness tweets

Noah Donoho

@McPeanutBrittle it's called "the heart of darkness".... Wth did you expect? ** I don't even know what that is, but sure does sound dramatic


12 years ago

Al Standis

"Heart of Darkness ~ Faroe Islands" http://t.co/C17UHKjJ #whales #hunt #Grind #cruelty” Great read


12 years ago

Matt Jernigan

The language in Heart of Darkness is harder to understand than Shakespear. #help


12 years ago

taylor morrison

RT @keds_girl: should i read heart of darkness or try and swallow an entire roll of paper towels


12 years ago


should i read heart of darkness or try and swallow an entire roll of paper towels


12 years ago

Marc Louis

Brought back to a time of darkness. When all seemed hopeless. Broken, heart shattered, in question of everything that was promised...


12 years ago


it should be illegal for students to read heart of darkness... pure torcher I tell ya


12 years ago