Heart Of Darkness tweets
Noah Donoho
@McPeanutBrittle it's called "the heart of darkness".... Wth did you expect? ** I don't even know what that is, but sure does sound dramatic
Al Standis
"Heart of Darkness ~ Faroe Islands" http://t.co/C17UHKjJ #whales #hunt #Grind #cruelty” Great read
Matt Jernigan
The language in Heart of Darkness is harder to understand than Shakespear. #help
taylor morrison
RT @keds_girl: should i read heart of darkness or try and swallow an entire roll of paper towels
should i read heart of darkness or try and swallow an entire roll of paper towels
Marc Louis
Brought back to a time of darkness. When all seemed hopeless. Broken, heart shattered, in question of everything that was promised...
it should be illegal for students to read heart of darkness... pure torcher I tell ya