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Serbian Gamers tweets


Rockstar has updated its list of known issues with GTA Online as well as suggested a potential workaround for gamers http://t.co/byHRAMQi9o


11 years ago

Roma Club Indonesia

#Pjanic "Little Prince" menguasai bahasa : English, German, Luxembourgish, French, Italian dan BCS - Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language)


11 years ago

Rami Ismail

This is so awful. I wish 'gamers' would just grow up. http://t.co/BVRVo1t57n


11 years ago

Squawka Football

Serbian duo Nemanja Vidic (11/11) and Neven Subotic (8/8) have won 100% of their headed duels this season in the Champions League.


11 years ago

Visa Brasil

Atenção Gamers: 20% de desconto pagando com @VisaBR na #semanamuitomelhor com a @familiaextra http://t.co/3x7- e4VQg83


11 years ago

Xbox FR

#TomClancy devenu célèbre avec la saga #rainbowsix , repose en paix maître de l'espionnage, les #gamers te saluent.


11 years ago

Childhood ʕ•̬͡•ʔ

If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We've been waiting for this all our lives!


11 years ago