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Server Partition Resize tweets

Gad Elmaleh

Face à moi un mec lit une partition musicale et il est mort de rire. Je suis en perte totale de repères sensoriels


10 years ago

jeremy mckinnon

They're sending emails a few hundred every few minutes so the server doesn't crash. Everyone's email is coming! Hold on!


10 years ago

Life Hacks

To resize a photo for Instagram, tilt your phone sideways and screenshot it. It'll fit perfectly without affecting the quality.


10 years ago

informasi Lengkap

Tingkat kecelakaan di Dubai menurun 20 persen saat server global Blackberry lumpuh. [Survei The National] #7d


10 years ago

HAL 9000

Server("GLaDOS").requestCurre- ntDateTime("Y-M-d"); Server(- "HAL9000").requestCurrentDate- Time("Y-M-d"); GLaDOS and I are now dating.


10 years ago

GTAV Informer

#GTAOnline server should be perfect by the end of this week. Everyone should be able to get on and play in peace.


10 years ago


Ohio & Pennsylvania? Sick of #GOPShutdown? Then vote them out: today (Oct 7) last day to reg.: http://t.co/piagN3u6I5 - http://t.co/lWLFjmh73B


10 years ago