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Sitting On Couches In The Backyard tweets


In 2008, the remains of a woman named Hedviga Golik were discovered - She had been sitting dead in front of her TV for 42 years.


10 years ago


Me: you're sitting on my seat. Classmate: i don't see your name on it. Me: it will be written in your blood if you don't get the fck up.


10 years ago


There’s a book sitting in front of you. In it contains all the bad things people have said about you behind your back, would you open it?


10 years ago

James Yammouni

Sitting on my roof lol hope I don't fall it's steep http://t.co/5nCzsUFSWC


10 years ago

Steve Stifler

Rihanna wrote "I love the way you lie" while sitting on Pinocchio's face.


10 years ago

Typical Malaysian

Why are people so against PMR students tweeting? Doesn't mean they are sitting for an exam, they gotta throw their phone into the sea.


10 years ago

Inspirational Quotes

Everything that you will ever need to accomplish any goal that you will ever set is sitting & waiting patiently inside of you


10 years ago