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Sun Roller Duo Flexo tweets

Justin Bieber

I gave my little friend Ricardo my sunglasses he was showing his friends what the sun looked like with… http://t.co/A1O9jLRhD1


10 years ago


「一番くじ ラブライブ!」大好評につき再販決定!!http- ://t.co/urPD59oHlT 要望の多かった一番くじの再販が決定です #lovelive Sun_わかば


10 years ago

Damn Its True!

Anyone can love you when the sun is shining. But, in the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you.


10 years ago

Marilyn Monroe

The sky isn't always blue. The sun doesn't always shine. So it's okay to fall apart sometimes, but always remember to get up again.


10 years ago

High School Problems

maybe the sun doesnt want to be called “hot” maybe it wants to be called “beautiful” think before you speak


10 years ago


Anyone can love you when the sun is shining. But, in the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you.


10 years ago

Paul Higgins -Pauly

Can't believe the Australian tour is coming to an end and I don't have a sun tan!! X


10 years ago