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Szezon 323 Bmw tweets

It's Boy Meets World

"This new haircut symbolizes the new Eric, the smarter Eric" "What about when your hair grows back?" "Not gonna grow back. I got my receipt"


11 years ago

Peña RM de Indonesia

Topskor Real Madrid sepanjang masa: Raul 323 gol, Di Stefano 308, Santillana 290, Puskas 242, Cristiano Ronaldo 209, Hugo Sanchez 208.


11 years ago


Beste BMW-rijder achter me. Ik ben moeder en heb geleerd irritant gedrag te negeren.


11 years ago

Fakta Faktanya WOW!

Para pejabat perusahaan finansial AS lebih menyukai Lexus sebagai mobil mewah mereka, lebih daripada Mercedes-Benz atau BMW.


11 years ago

Tahukah Anda ?

Didit Hadiprasetyo, seorang desainer Indonesia dipercaya mendesain mobil BMW Seri 7 Individual edisi spesial.


11 years ago

Kay Murray

For those asking: RM all-time top scorers - Raul 323, Di Stefano 307, Santillana 288, Puskas 237, Hugol & Cristiano 207.


11 years ago


Cristiano Ronaldo superó a Hugo Sánchez (207). Su próximo objetivo es Puskas (237), Santillana (290), Di Stefano (307) y Raúl (323).


11 years ago