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Thevaram Org Thirumurai Songview tweets

ian somerhalder

This really puts the whole"carbon"thing in prospective-pls check this out,get rid of carbon-get rid of many problems http://t.co/ClVnWIlixN


10 years ago

ian somerhalder

THANK YOU FOR RETWEETING YOU GUYS ROCK-keep going!Explore the site-it's fun.Really great stuff,makes ya think&do;) http://t.co/D4pzETgVI0


10 years ago

Fakta Bukan Auta

Geng, curi masa seminit sedekah Fatihah pd Ust Azizan ex-MB Kedah yg meninggal pagi td. Beruntung org yg masa hidupnya berjuang utk Islam.


10 years ago

The Associated Press

Two men have been sentenced in British court for attacking a man while dressed as Oompa Loompas: http://t.co/3KSuMLC64x -KH


10 years ago

Neil Gaiman

SANDMAN BANNED FOR Anti-family themes, offensive language, and unsuited for age group. more #BannedBooksWeek comics http://t.co/rkMiEsEMhU


10 years ago

Hantu TimeLine

Pertahankan apa yang lo milikin sekarang. Krn di tempat lain, ada org yg berharap punya apa yg lo punya.


10 years ago

Nicolás Maduro

I’m arriving in our beloved homeland, the sacred land of Venezuela, birthplace of two giants, Bolívar and Chávez, I http://t.co/1BTU0Sb51o


10 years ago