Ti Graphing Calculator tweets
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Texas Instruments TI-NSpire Math and Science Handheld Graphing Calculator http://t.co/oAgCPbQJ
Brian Holt
This guy re-created Portal on a TI-83. That's some seriously impressive coding: http://t.co/gkvFSMUN
Andrew J. Erickson
Pretty amazing. Portal ported to TI calculators... http://t.co/zgf9IlN6
Jason Marr
Whoa, I thought being able to play Tetris on my TI-83 in high school was great, but Portal, that takes the cake. http://t.co/BlmlWYQD
Jimmy Sawczuk
If you thought you were good at TI-BASIC in high school, think again: http://t.co/A28fgwzb
Peter Fischel
RT @martinblore: Portal game on a TI-83 calculator! http://t.co/UxEZZH4y