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Tow411 Message Board Yuku tweets

Not Will Ferrell

Retweeting a tweet because you're secretly sending someone a message.


10 years ago

Robert Griffin III

1 Peter 3:9 "Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you..." Go read the rest for the message #AMEN


10 years ago

Nick Selby

Pro Tip: The message, "Password contains invalid characters" means your security team, architects and IT people need to be fired.


10 years ago

Kevin Spacey

Accept yourself w/o judging others. The message of the @EveryoneMatters campaign which I am supporting. Please RT http://t.co/tVlFsXBDh8


10 years ago


You shouldn't have to deal with shaving irritations. RT this message for a chance to win NIVEA Men product!


10 years ago

Funny Tweets

Textaphrenia. A disease found in teens, in which they think they have heard or felt a new text message vibration when there is no message.


10 years ago

Common White Girl

when you’re finally having a conversation with someone but then u send them a message and they don’t respond and you’re just like i blew it


10 years ago