Transport Taxi tweets
The Primadona ♕
Ore takdop kete niyhh taxi jee lahh transport diee *kesat air nata uk
#ojeu #award Sheffield:'Active Response Transport' taxi services The Supply of Taxi Services fo...
Nathan Connelly
@kuda32 yeah mate realised i had to get a taxi to do so rubbish from public transport, 67 of the best
Don't go out if you know you not gonna have transport home PLEASE or else o tlae khomba taxi a hoshebile ka window
Trade shows Today
Feria del Taxi #tradeshow Transport, Aviation, Logistics, Vehicles #Spain #Madrid #event #events
Concern at lack of taxi cabs for rural disabled: WHEELCHAIR users outside major cities are being left stranded b...
Katie ☺
@cassparkles why don't you just get a taxi or some kind of public transport?