Trismus Boat tweets
Bitch Problems ✌
row row row your boat gently away from me merrily merrily merrily merrily i hope you drown in the sea
Common White Girl
row row row your boat gently away from me merrily merrily merrily merrily i hope you drown in the sea
Funny Tweets!
row row row your boat gently away from me merrily merrily merrily merrily i hope u drown in the sea
Friend: "Whats a good movie?" Me: "Snakes on a plane" Friend: "Whats it about?" Me: "Horses... horses on a boat"
Comedy Tweets
Friend: "Whats a good movie?" Me: "Snakes on a plane" Friend: "Whats it about?" Me: "Horses... horses on a boat"
The Vamps
We are doing a few exciting things this week, gonna be siiiiiickk! One of them involves a boat C diddy dawg dawg
Andrew Biggs
วันนี้สะกดผิดเพียบ เมื่อกี๊อิจฉา ไม่ใช่ อิชฉา เห็นไหมล่ะ ภาษาอังกฤษง่ายนิดเดียว ไม่เหมือนภาษาไทยซึ่งยาก boat lost :)