Unit 4 Multivers tweets
Louis Tomlinson
Midnight Memories! can't wait till you hear our new album!! http://t.co/OR6lhD0xKg
5 Seconds of Summer
Tour manager: "WHAT BIT ABOUT 4 DONT YOU UNDERSTAND" Luke: the 4, and ahhh the clock
earth music&ecology
【10色ダッフルを4,999円で10/18より発売!】更に- @earth_1999をフォロー&このつぶやきをリツイート- で、お店で使える50%オフ券を5名様に。応募は10/25ま- で。詳細こちらhttp://t.co/nb75EdOdhc http://t.co/eBkFJIdSZT
CBB preseason coaches' poll: 1. Kentucky 2. Mich St 3. L'ville 4. Duke 5. Arizona 6. Kansas 7. Syracuse 8. Florida 9. Michigan 10. Ohio St
드라마 촬영을 오랜만에 하다보니 4주년이 어떻게 지난 지도 모르게 훌쩍 지나갔네요 전 지금 차안에서 클래식ost-반딧불이를 듣고있어요 저와 같은 마음을 느끼고 싶다면 같이 들어봐요^^ 좋은 음악 들으면서 좋은 꿈꿔요 잘자~^_^
解けたらIQ150以上の問題(^^)v 6+4=210 - 9+2=711 8+5=313 5+2=37 7+- 6=113 9+8=117 10+6=416 15+- 3=1218 #わかる人はRT
Dan Howell
it is the 4 year anniversary of my first ever youtube video today! :D oh how the time has flown by. ..so fast.. ..so very fast.. ... yay!