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Venice Beach Night Not Allowed tweets

Common White Girl

i love walking on the beach with my boyfriend until the LSD wears off and im just dragging a stolen mannequin around a car park


10 years ago

sometimes I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night


10 years ago

Common White Girl

my favorite game is called “how many episodes can I watch in one night”


10 years ago

Men's Humor

Why is it always funnier when you're not allowed to laugh?


10 years ago

Damn Its True!

The first person you think of in the morning, or last person you think of at night, is either the cause of your happiness or your pain.


10 years ago

John Green

Probably gonna stay up all night to finish @VeronicaRoth's Allegiant. I have heroically avoided spoilers thus far...


10 years ago

Female Struggles

Sometimes, I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night


10 years ago