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Visual Matrix tweets

Interscope Records

Video: @Eminem plugs into 'The Matrix' and walks on water in his new visual #RAPGOD (via @MTVNews) http://t.co/6LTDjeTTK3


10 years ago

Oh, THAT D-Bear

Tried taking a piece of pie early .. Next thing I know it's like the lobby scene in the matrix. No not really, cool visual though huh?


10 years ago

Só Edu

RT @Interscope: Video: @Eminem plugs into 'The Matrix' and walks on water in his new visual #RAPGOD (via @MTVNews) http://t.co/6LTDjeTTK3


10 years ago


RT @Interscope: Video: @Eminem plugs into 'The Matrix' and walks on water in his new visual #RAPGOD (via @MTVNews) http://t.co/6LTDjeTTK3


10 years ago

Roy Pullin

@cliff_h13 An issue with me. I see mainly self shots. If and when it's visual ? Either in a matrix off IR or from other than natural lens


10 years ago

Dana Mathers

RT @Interscope: Video: @Eminem plugs into 'The Matrix' and walks on water in his new visual #RAPGOD (via @MTVNews) http://t.co/6LTDjeTTK3


10 years ago

John Davis

Em plugs into 'The Matrix' and walks on water in his new visual. By Rob Markman


10 years ago