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What Does Manual Mean tweets

David Stewart

@Erikbyman so what do you do when it cries? I mean, how do you know what's wrong? Does it come with a manual?


11 years ago

Rattus Rattus

I've just come upstairs and my wife has her wedding dress on. I can't find this in the manual. What does it mean?


11 years ago


"Guide Text" - what does it mean?: Given the manual bears little resemblance to the hardware, and that... http://t.co/6VO3ioaX #garminNL


11 years ago


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) what is my score? 7. What does your score mean? If you scored 5 or more you may have depression.


11 years ago

Chinelle Trim

I gave a pupil a ride home this evening, pupil:miss u have speed car! Me: what u mean?Pupil: well is only speed cars does have dat.#manual


11 years ago