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Window 7 Hangs On Shutdown tweets

Tweet Like A Girl

The government shutdown has officially lasted longer than any of Taylor Swift's relationships.


10 years ago

to the athletes who

At 7, Adrian Peterson witnessed his brother (9) killed by a drunk driver. At 28, he has said goodbye to a son. #PrayForAP


10 years ago

Because I'm a Guy

Don't be that guy who gets a girlfriend and never hangs out with his bros again.


10 years ago

Barack Obama

If the #shutdown continues, paychecks for another 1M people who are currently working will be delayed: http://t.co/v1hxuHcFS4 #EnoughAlready


10 years ago


the government shutdown has officially lasted longer than any of Taylor Swift's relationships


10 years ago


Crazy stat of the day: Eli Manning's 4th quarter QBR over the last two seasons was 76.7. This year? Three.


10 years ago

cosito de la pizza

A mi abuela le decís 'buen dia' y te terminas enterando que el tío del cuñado de la Chola compro el tomate a $13 y a dos cuadras lo vio a $7


10 years ago