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Women On The Internet tweets

Elevation Nation

"taking the Internet by storm" *plays @TrinidadJamesGG on BETdontsleep* "He appreciates different kind of women"


11 years ago

Teana McDonald

Did @Therapyhead1 say we were cuter than the Biebs? http://t.co/YL9MWT4h #3loudwomen


11 years ago

Kirsten McKenzie

@AnnaLeask Those girls need to have their internet privileges revoked. Jeez. They bring shame on women around the world.


11 years ago


To me @shanedawson is not just some random guy on the Internet that wears women's clothing, because that guy and his videos saved my life


11 years ago

Tom Sams

Why do guys on the Internet always rationalise male character's decisions but always hate women? Walking Dead for example.


11 years ago

Matt S.

@damedrfoxyb Actually I'm just upset that she is only helping women and not everybody victimized on the internet and in gaming.


11 years ago

Tim Lott Jr

Women that are on the Internet all day kill yourself


11 years ago