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Xenserver Change Vdi Device Path tweets

Nathan Sykes

It’s not gonna change my life, I was just thinking about it and I just find it really bizarre


10 years ago

Dear Crush

I didn't change, I just grew up. I learned what's best for me. If I have to lose people to get where I need to be, then I'm okay with that.


10 years ago


Why stress over something you can't change...


10 years ago

Chuck Todd

Last thing Blackberry needed, the last folks who actually use the device have just been furloughed today due to govt shutdown


10 years ago

It's A Teen Thing!

Friends that don't accept you for who you are, aren't really your friends. Your true friends will never try to change you.


10 years ago

Spiritual Truths

You can blame the whole world for your troubles, but sadly nothing will change, until you take ownership for your part.


10 years ago

✿ Life Sayings ✿

People change, memories don't.


10 years ago