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Xerox Gestion Impression tweets

Best of Virgo

You will notice that when dating a #Virgo, the relationships gets better over time. You just have to look past their first impression.


10 years ago


6 mile run, gym, homemade pumpkin soup and I practiced my Bane impression for an hour. Most productive Sunday I've had in ages


10 years ago

Juan Pablo Guanipa

Creo que humildemente represento a un mollejero de marabinos que vamos a votar por la unidad a pesar de esta gestión. Nos mueve Venezuela!


10 years ago

Terms of Virgo

You will notice that when dating a Virgo, the relationships gets better over time. You just have to look past their first impression.


10 years ago

Nicolás Wiñazki

Cristina estatizó Ciccone. ¿Por qué no lo celebra como un logro de gestión? Reivindica todas sus expropiaciones. Esa no.


10 years ago

John Buccigross

The ball impression on the Green Monster is real. Same impression left on David Price's soul #nerdalert


10 years ago

sidneymoraes ✌

#JoSuado guilherme santana vai abrir empresa de xerox por que adora copiar


10 years ago