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Yoast Speed Up Wordpress tweets


The USS Nebraska in camouflage paint, which made it difficult to estimate the ship's range, speed and heading. WWI http://t.co/adZnR5B7xh


10 years ago

Life Pro Tips

Admitting you made a mistake will earn you respect and speed up the fixing process. Having an ego solves nothing.


10 years ago

Kids Probs ʕ•̬͡•ʔ

My texting speed depends on your importance.


10 years ago


Ich bloggte gerade, wie es mit dem Fake weiterging. Es ist lang geworden. Entschuldigung. RTs würden mich freuen. http://t.co/jskJSiXUKj


10 years ago

Typical Malaysian

Drivers would speed up just to make sure you can't cut into their lane when they see your signal. #TypicalMalaysian


10 years ago

sigur rós

if you are into icelandic music: fyi, the most extensive book about it ever just came out in english and it's cool: http://t.co/pDkKKQ4cWv


10 years ago

Wall Street Journal

Philippines opens new airstrip to speed up the distribution of relief supplies. http://t.co/qdMoTtiqeI


10 years ago