Yute Tube Music tweets
Whenever I'm in a bad mood, all I want to do is listen to music or sleep to forget about all the problems.
Lady Gaga
It was this amazing moment today my head down gazing at the soundboard--the music came on i looked up + knew it was ARTPOP it all made sense
Listening to music for an hour every day can reduce chronic pain by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%
Beau Brooks
Who ever turned up the music in the kitchen. Be prepared. I'm about to come dance :p
Upbeat dance music can stimulate brain waves and improve concentration, even after you’ve finished listening to it.
Funny Tweets ™
#10ThingsILove -Internet -Tw- itter -Tumblr -Starbucks -You- tube -Cuddles -Sleep -Long Showers -Shopping -Music
Unrevealed Facts
Humans develop an emotional bond with music because when people walk away, music is all that is left.